Mason Lin is a graphic designer based in NYC.
Currently desigining with
Previously at
The New Company.
Bubble tea munching is
his inherent obsession
of being Taiwanese.
Selected Projects:
1. T1S
An innovative tech-driven new identity
for non-profit future planning architecture research group.
2. Noguchi Museum
A type-driven identity behaves like
a sculpture for the first museum in the US
to be established by a living artist.
3. hi-jak
Unconventional and rebellious branding
for the industry disruptor wine-adjacent
water brand, hi-jak.
4. A24
An empathetic new identity that creates
a positive echo chamber for A24 cinephiles.
5. Gods in Taiwan
A Taiwanese vernacular publication showcasing diverse and exuberant
Taiwanese folk beliefs.
6. M
An elastic identity for exhibition dedicated
to map distortion.